Every year on December 25th, the attention of the entire world takes focus on one single event. Of course, I’m referring to Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ! Offices shut down and business ceases as we celebrate this one special day of the year. What’s so special about it? What’s the big deal? Why all the hoopla? If you’re a connoisseur of current God denying trends, you will be aware of the NEW alternative dating protocols. In the year AD 525, the predecessors of the Gregorian calendar, the most widely used calendar in the world today, devised the system of dating time as BC (Before Christ) and AD (Latin – anno Domini – the year of the Lord). Since the late 1990’s there has been a push to change the terminology for BC to B.C.E. (before common era) and AD to C.E. (common era). I’ll leave you to your own conclusion about the reason for this change, but this is surely another evidence of the world’s rejection of the God we love. Well, here we go! What’s so special about Jesus that would cause over two-thousand years of distinction?