A Way in the Wilderness: Streams in the Desert

The book of Isaiah tells the story of how God’s people forfeited His protection and blessings when they spurned His direction and went their own way. As Israel struggled in the midst of His discipline, God’s desire and ultimate plan to restore His people back to Himself never diminished. Seven-hundred years before Christ was born, Isaiah prophesied the arrival of a Messiah who would make a way in the wilderness and bring a dry, barren, and desolate land back to life again. Jesus, of course, is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies about the coming Messiah; and, because we have placed our hope and trust in Jesus, He transforms our wilderness into a lush garden overflowing with abundance. There are four benefits that the Messiah brings with Him in order to provide us this way in the wilderness: strength, signs, streams, and streets. This message focuses on the third of these four benefits, which we will simply label as STREAMS. You don’t have to live in a dry wilderness once you receive the Messiah. Into your wilderness, God brings the RIVER of the Holy Spirit. He is that mighty strength rushing in and through your Spirit to refresh, revive, and empower you in the dry places of your life!