The book of Isaiah tells the story of how God’s people forfeited His protection and blessings when they spurned His direction and went their own way. As Israel struggled in the midst of His discipline, God’s desire and ultimate plan to restore His people back to Himself never diminished. Seven-hundred years before Christ was born, […]

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The book of Isaiah tells the story of how God’s people forfeited His protection and blessings when they spurned His direction and went their own way. As Israel struggled in the midst of His discipline, God’s desire and ultimate plan to restore His people back to Himself never diminished. Seven-hundred years before Christ was born, […]

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Isaiah 35 is a Messianic chapter. This chapter tells us much about what life will be like when the Messiah comes. Many of the descriptions we understand about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus do not come from New Testament Scripture, but were actually written 700 years before by God’s Prophet, Isaiah. Last week we […]

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The Best Day Ever: Face To Face

Adam and Eve lived with God in the garden of Eden, and they saw Him face to face every day. They walked and talked with Him in perfect intimacy and ease. The relationship didn’t have the unique significance we would now appreciate, because they didn’t have any frame of reference. They had never lived without […]

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The Best Day Ever: Going Back Home

Six-thousand years ago, Adam and Eve got kicked out of the house! They broke the rules; they sinned. I know this may sound strange; but, because of that, you have never REALLY been home! When you leave this service, and you go to that place that you call home; it’s not really home. It’s temporary […]

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The Best Day Ever: The Final Authority

Adam and Eve were created by God and were given absolute authority over this world. They were to dominate anything that would come against God’s will. When they sinned, they turned over that authority to Satan. Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection purchased back dominion of the earth. As Christians, we currently have […]

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God created mankind in Pleasureville! It was in the Garden of Eden that God shaped the dust of the ground and formed man. From that day until this, you cannot even calculate the amount of physical, emotional, and mental pain that has been experienced by mankind. All of this is due to a decision to […]

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Are We There Yet? Prophecy is writing history before it happens. Aren’t you glad that in these days of social unrest, economic and political upheaval, climate change hoaxes, Covid-19, and all the rest – that God cares enough to tell us what is going to happen. There are four prophetic signposts of the last days […]

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Rapture: My Glorified Body

The best day you will ever have is going to happen when Jesus comes back to get you! Jesus says in Luke 21:28, “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” Jesus is telling us that it is time to focus on God. If you […]

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