There is a big difference between the way people look at weakness and the way God looks at weakness. People have the tendency to look at weakness as a liability. God looks at weakness as an opportunity for Him to show Himself mighty in our behalf. Your weakness and God’s strength are a perfect match!
The major truth of this brief series concerning “grace” is that you can never get closer to God than your concept of Him will allow. If you don’t believe God loves you and desires the best for you, then you are simply not going to come close to Him. Instead, you’re going to stand at […]
Christianity is the only set of beliefs in the world that has the concept of a gracious, personal, loving God. Notice that I said, “set of beliefs” and not religion. Actually, Christianity is not a religion. Religion is man’s attempt to work his way up to God through good works, while Christianity is God’s […]
The Bible is the Word of God. This simple declaration is the anchor for our faith. We call the Bible a book, but it’s a library of 66 books, written by over 40 different authors over a period of 1500 years. The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself. Why should we believe this? Are there […]
We live in a world of what’s new and what’s next. When it comes to living a life of purpose and progress, consistency can be underrated. The greatest catalyst for change can often be found in the most mundane routine. In any endeavor frequency is the key to sustaining flow. You don’t thrive over a […]
Jacob has been a good, dysfunctional guide for us through this journey of faith. Hopefully, you have concluded that if God can use him, surely, He can use Me!
Jacob is now approaching the end of his journey. He’s close to one-hundred-years-old. He’s fought many battles, carried many burdens, and has even received a few blessings along the way. Now after some family dysfunction and treachery almost too graphic to talk about; God has given him instructions to return to a place he’s been […]
Have you been a Christian for a long time? Does God still surprise you? If I had to conclude one thing about God’s working in my life, it would be that it hasn’t been ANYTHING like I expected it to be! I have come to discover that God doesn’t work the way we expect Him […]
We are studying the life of Jacob and discovering that God uses conflicted, complicated people. So, if you are conflicted and complicated, you are in good company. God still loves us and has a plan for our life. We now enter the period of Jacob’s life where we see him meet his wife, Rachel, marry […]
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could cram for life’s tests? Don’t you wish God would give you a heads up about what’s coming so you could be ready for the test? It might go something like this: “Hey! You’re about to go into a big financial test. You might not want to get that […]