Everyone is insecure about something. Some people are very open about their insecurities, while others try to mask them. The avoidance program may involve an assorted array of coping techniques such as pretending to be confident, dysfunctional relationships, or addictive-compulsive behavior and the like. God’s Word teaches us that we can choose what we do […]
Of all the areas of importance in your life, attitude is your most pervasive and profound personal characteristic. Changing your attitude is the precursor to changing your mind about anything. Apart from salvation, a change in attitude may have the greatest single effect on your behavior and success in life. A bad attitude ruins everything! […]
Even though we are living in the flesh, there’s an invisible war going on around us that is not in the flesh. God has equipped us for victory in that battle, but we must engage the enemy to do so. Because we are all born in sin, we must all fight for victory over the […]
Worry, anxiety, and fear are very similar problems, and all primarily come from the same root. The most common grouping name for the “trifecta” is STRESS. Stress is listed by most medical associations as the number one reason for sickness and disease, prescribed medications, and doctor’s office visits.
The book of Job is thought to be one of the oldest manuscripts in the Bible. It has been the source of discussion for millennia concerning the thought of suffering and righteousness. Why good people suffer seems to be the prevailing drive of the debate, but I feel the more important question in the book […]
The Book of Esther is a story with two great themes: conflict and concern. The story has a villain, Haman, and a hero, God. The characters of the story are common folks, like us, who live life with daily struggles and joys. Life is always difficult to predict, especially when it’s being imposed upon by […]
Of the twenty-six parables that Jesus shared, perhaps none is so rich with truth as the Parable of the Talents. A “talent” was a measure of weight that represented the dollar value of a specific item based on that weight. In this parable the talent has been estimated to represent as much as twenty years […]
We all have something in life that we would like to change. It could be something that we would like to stop doing such as overeating, drinking alcohol excessively, constantly being late, worrying, etc. It could also be something that we would like to begin to do more consistently like exercising, reading our Bible, practicing […]