The Five Laws of God’s blessing Matthew 25:14-29 The good news about living a blessed life is that it is not particular to an individual. God is not fickled. Some people are not just lucky and live blessed because they have something that other people don’t. God wants to bless all of us. When we […]
John 14:1-6 Have you ever wondered why the Scripture is so full of references to family relationships (bride, groom, father, children, etc.)? Well, God wants us to understand the nuances of the unique kinship He has created for us. The disciples of Jesus are listening to Him assure them of their future home in the […]
Luke 18:35-43 Mark 10:46-52 There are few phrases in Scripture that arrest your attention any quicker than this one in Mark 10:47, “Jesus of Nazareth” was passing by. Imagine what it must have meant to blind Bartimaeus as he sat by the roadside begging. He had probably heard of all the mercy and compassion, kindness […]
How do you know for sure you’re not a false Christian? One of the most profound and thought-provoking parables Jesus told is known as the Parable of the Ten Virgins. The ten virgins in this parable represent the Church. The Bridegroom is Jesus. What Jesus is saying, very clearly, is that half of the Church […]
It was in the plan of God, even before the world was formed, to create two distinct genders of mankind: MALE and FEMALE. The problem with this is that to whichever side of the human race you belong, the other half is something of a mystery to you! We are different by design! God wants […]
Oh, the games people play! We are experts at the game of hiding our true self behind illusions that mask the REAL us. This is what happened one night with Jesus and a man named Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews (a religious Pharisee) that had a burning question for Jesus but didn’t […]
The essence of the Christian life is to consistently become more of what we should be and less of what we used to be. The result of this life will be revealed at the judgment seat of Christ (the BEMA Judgment seat – Romans 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10). This IS NOT the same judgment as […]
Crisis creates a void that God comes to fill with His power and show Himself strong in your life! God has no interest in filling an area of your life that is already full. He wants to fill that part of you that is empty, depleted, and hungry. You don’t have to accept defeat and […]
What area of life do you want to change? Maybe it’s your spending habits or that pessimistic view of people? Do you wake up on the wrong side of the bed every day? Could it be those pack rat habits that some might have labeled “hoarding?” It might simply be that disagreeable nature that keeps […]
Seasons change; times change; nations change; and technology changes. In our personal lives, our marriages, ministries, and financial situations – there is a need for change. Although God never changes, He is constantly moving His church toward perfection from glory to glory. We must be led by the Holy Spirit and sense His moving us […]