Little Things Matter

Consider this thought: everyone is fascinated with the battle they can see, but it is the battle underneath that really determines whether you make your mark. David killed a lion and a bear because they came and took a lamb from the flock. If you had been anointed to be King over the greatest nation […]

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Right Question – Wrong Answer

The book of Job is thought to be one of the oldest manuscripts in the Bible. It has been the source of discussion for millennia concerning the thought of  suffering and righteousness. Why good people suffer seems to be the prevailing drive of the debate, but I feel the more persuasive position in Job is […]

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Get Over It! – Offended Spirit Series

This sad postscript about the older brother’s refusal to enter the celebration for his younger brother’s return is full of biting analogy, and the story just ends! When the son came home to the father, they had a party, and everyone rejoiced…EXCEPT one…the older brother. What’s wrong with him?

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Luke 15 is a chapter about offense. The purpose is to confront a growing criticism by the pastors (Pharisees, Scribes, Torah teachers) concerning the crowd that lovingly and loyally followed Jesus wherever He went. Through a series of three stories, Jesus masterfully distinguished the difference between Himself and the pastors… the Kingdom and the Synagogue… […]

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A father has two sons; a dumb one and a smart one. The dumb one approaches Dad and seeks his inheritance early. Dad obliges, and the dumb son does what dumb sons are apt to do – he wastes his inheritance in riotous living. After some time of living in the consequences of this incredibly […]

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There are two concerns happening simultaneously as we examine this passage: 1) We are remembering, rehearsing, and recalling just WHO our God is; that Jesus has indeed come to seek and save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). Kind and compassionate, He will not give up on you. He will seek you out. He will […]

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I’m Not THAT Bad! – Offended Spirit Series

The human condition: we’re SOMETHING, aren’t we? No matter what we do, we can find some way to justify it, right? I think it starts when you’re a child. “Son, did you take a bath?” “No, but sister hasn’t brushed her teeth all week!” As adults we’re not much better. “Officer, I know I was […]

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Luke 15 is a chapter about offense. The pastors, priests, deacons, elders, and Torah teachers were offended by the crowd that Jesus was attracting. These religious leaders gathered each week in the Synagogue and taught the Torah (The Books of Moses – the Jewish Bible). None of the people they were observing with Jesus ever […]

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What Shall We Do?

Elisha was a threat to the enemy, and, as we all know, when you are a threat there will be an attack dispatched upon you. This passage is about perspective. Of course, perspective can’t truly be understood without examining context. Turn on any news or social media platform you choose, and you will likely hear […]

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One In A Million – Noah

By all accounts, Noah was an ordinary man. There was nothing outstanding about his pedigree, education, or bank account. Yet, out of the estimated one million people that inhabited the earth at that time, God chose Noah. Imagine it; one in a million! If you were God, what kind of person would you choose? Here’s […]

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