Unmasking Lucifer God has given us the capacity to live in total victory and freedom from the power of our enemy and to overcome him at every opportunity. The question then becomes, why do we have so much trouble defeating the devil? Could it be that our difficulty lies in our lack of understanding his […]
Israel Attacked! Is this the End? Ezekiel 38-39 tells of a future invasion of Israel by a vast coalition of nations that surround it. As we read the headlines on internet sources today and witness the bombing of Israel by the terrorist group “Hamas'”, it’s not hard to imagine that this invasion prophesied over 2600 […]
My Glorified Body! (Part 1) When God created Adam and Eve, they were perfect. They had everything that God created for them. When they sinned, they lost it all, including the Glory of God. Paul tells us that this is the essence of sin. Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and come short of […]
Can I Really Be Happy? Can you REALLY be happy in a world like we live in today? What would it take to make you happy? The popular idea of happiness is that you must have the right circumstances. God’s way to be happy involves something that is much more attainable than any of these […]
Ten Facts About Spiritual Gifts Welcome to a study on the nature of spiritual gifts. I believe this short series can be one of the most beneficial and exciting times of your Christian life! To be able to see your spiritual gifts and see just how important you are to the body of Christ. The […]
#1 I Am Anointed It’s quite normal for us, as humans, to desire something new for our lives. New dreams – new endeavors – new circles of influence. We pray for God to give us new areas of life that will have impact in our environment, but what if something new isn’t what God wants […]
The Five Laws of God’s blessing Matthew 25:14-29 The good news about living a blessed life is that it is not particular to an individual. God is not fickled. Some people are not just lucky and live blessed because they have something that other people don’t. God wants to bless all of us. When we […]
John 14:1-6 Have you ever wondered why the Scripture is so full of references to family relationships (bride, groom, father, children, etc.)? Well, God wants us to understand the nuances of the unique kinship He has created for us. The disciples of Jesus are listening to Him assure them of their future home in the […]
Luke 18:35-43 Mark 10:46-52 There are few phrases in Scripture that arrest your attention any quicker than this one in Mark 10:47, “Jesus of Nazareth” was passing by. Imagine what it must have meant to blind Bartimaeus as he sat by the roadside begging. He had probably heard of all the mercy and compassion, kindness […]
How do you know for sure you’re not a false Christian? One of the most profound and thought-provoking parables Jesus told is known as the Parable of the Ten Virgins. The ten virgins in this parable represent the Church. The Bridegroom is Jesus. What Jesus is saying, very clearly, is that half of the Church […]