Luke 15 is a chapter about offense. The pastors, priests, deacons, elders, and Torah teachers were offended by the crowd that Jesus was attracting. These religious leaders gathered each week in the Synagogue and taught the Torah (The Books of Moses – the Jewish Bible). None of the people they were observing with Jesus ever […]
Elisha was a threat to the enemy, and, as we all know, when you are a threat there will be an attack dispatched upon you. This passage is about perspective. Of course, perspective can’t truly be understood without examining context. Turn on any news or social media platform you choose, and you will likely hear […]
Wesley is one of our students here at Freedom River Church. This message was delivered on a Sunday that utilized our Student Ministry in the Worship Service.
By all accounts, Noah was an ordinary man. There was nothing outstanding about his pedigree, education, or bank account. Yet, out of the estimated one million people that inhabited the earth at that time, God chose Noah. Imagine it; one in a million! If you were God, what kind of person would you choose? Here’s […]
I have often been surprised at the people God chooses to use, haven’t you? He can choose some of the most unlikely candidates for greatness. How about the time He chose an insecure, fearful, timid farm boy to deliver Israel from the overwhelming occupation of the Midianites? God turned Gideon into a national hero! You […]
As we begin 2017, I can hear you sigh just like me. That sigh comes from a deep place in your heart which, shall we say, has been powerfully opposed in 2016. This past year has been extremely trying in MANY ways. Our heart cry to God is, “Lord, give me the strength to make […]
Jonah’s story starts with a struggling prophet trying to do the will of God. The reality of life is, that not only do unbelievers have challenges in their faith, Believers do too. We are living in a day in which we as Christians have done much to damage the real theology of what it means […]
Jesus is very honest with His Disciples as they return from their mission to secure food for their weary, hungry Rabbi. As they urge Him to eat, He informs them that He has food that they are not aware of. His food is to do the will of His Father and to accomplish His work. […]