Following Jesus

This is a series about following Jesus. When you hear that phrase, how do you respond? If you’re like most, you give a hearty, “AMEN, BROTHER!” But, sadly, that’s about as far as it goes. Jesus declared, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19) and “If anyone would come after […]

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What God Can Do Through Ordinary You

Hebrews 11 is all about winners! The interesting thing is that there are no “extra-ordinary” people here. No, they’re all quite ordinary. The only thing that is notable about these ordinary folk is their extraordinary accomplishments. Moses: Four Keys to Effective Living Moses was one of the “common” guys. Why was God able to use […]

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God Believes in You

I’ve heard all my life how important it is to believe in God. But what about how important it is to know that God believes in you!

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Making the Right Choice

Ruth ― is the eighth book of the Bible. In Scriptural numerics eight is the number of “new beginnings”. Could you use a new beginning? Have you been praying for a new beginning? Our Heavenly Father is the God of fresh starts!

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Big Problems, Big Miracles

Let’s begin with this understanding: IT’S NATURAL FOR GOD TO BE SUPERNATURAL! Everything He does is Supernatural! Jesus walked this earth for 33 years and much of His work was completely NATURAL, but He did many miracles when He was on this earth. The bigger the problem the more majestic the miracle. Let’s look at […]

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Jesus Makes Me Strong

Jesus Brings Me Strength Seven-hundred years before Christ was born, Isaiah prophesied the arrival of a Messiah who would make a way in the wilderness and bring a dry, barren, and desolate land back to life again. Jesus, of course, is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies about the coming Messiah; and, because we have placed […]

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The Consequences of Sin

The Consequences of Sin Psalm 51 is tremendously insightful concerning the consequences of sin in the life of a child of God. This is what happens to us when we choose to sin. These 7 consequences result from OUR CHOICE to choose the “SAWBRIERS and BUSHES” of the path of life! The Cleansing of Sin […]

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