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Freedom River Church is a Sunday streaming-only ministry with a small group Bible study that meets weekly. If you are interested in the small group study, please contact us here for more information.

Watch LIVE services right here at 9:05AM every Sunday!

Recent Series

The Consequences of Sin

The Consequences of Sin Psalm 51 is tremendously insightful concerning the consequences of sin in the life of a child of God. This is what happens to us when we choose to sin. These 7 consequences result from OUR CHOICE to choose the “SAWBRIERS and BUSHES” of the path of life! The Cleansing of Sin […]

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Dealing with Disappointment

Most of us like appointments. Even the organizationally inept like appointments. Appointments create a sense of predictability in an unpredictable world. Down deep we know we control the future as much as a caboose controls the train, yet our Day-Timers give us the illusion that we do. A disappointment reminds us that we don’t.

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The Judgement of Believers

The essence of the Christian life is to consistently become more of what we should be and less of what we used to be. The result of this life will be revealed at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

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Old School Victory

Stop Believing Lies We open a door to the enemy when we believe his lies. Satan has been trying to gain access to our lives through lies since the beginning. The door to the enemy stays closed when our words and thoughts align with the truth of God’s Word. The first step to sin is […]

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Sex, Marriage, and Singlehood

Single people dream of being married. Married people fantasize about being single. The truth is most of us like the idea of being in a relationship more than the reality of what it takes to make it work. When we look to other people to satisfy our deepest desires, we end up disappointed. Disappointment leads […]

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BREAKING NEWS – Gog of Magog War

Ezekiel 38-39 tells of a future invasion of Israel by a vast coalition of nations that surround it. As we watch the images in news reports and witness the conflict in the Middle East, it’s not hard to imagine that this invasion prophesied over 2600 years ago could be fulfilled in our lifetime. IS THIS […]

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The Good Shepherd

He Provides Psalms 23 is a revelation of what our Good Shepherd does for us in the battles of life. “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death….” This is a context of scary death stuff! This is not a walk through a field of dandelions. According to the Psalm, our […]

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Four Keys of Love

Demystifying Marriage As we begin this series concerning love, let me share a couple of broad statements: First, marriage is the safest relationship on earth when God’s laws for love are honored. Secondly, you have a 100% chance of success and happiness in marriage when you honor God’s laws of love! If half of the […]

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