Who Belongs In God’s Family? – Offended Spirit Series

Luke 15 is a chapter about offense. The pastors, priests, deacons, elders, and Torah teachers were offended by the crowd that Jesus was attracting. These religious leaders gathered each week in the Synagogue and taught the Torah (The Books of Moses – the Jewish Bible). None of the people they were observing with Jesus ever darkened the door of the Synagogue. So, they were annoyed and angry that none of Jesus’ crowd ever came to hear them preach and teach. Of course, had this congregation of outlaws, outsiders, and misfits come to Synagogue, they would certainly have been hustled away with great condemnation and disrespect. They don’t look like they belong at Synagogue. They don’t talk like they belong at Synagogue. They certainly don’t act like they belong at Synagogue. So, Jesus, you have crossed the line! If you’re the Messiah you say you are, these people cannot be your friends. This chapter is one big parable. Jesus tells three stories to clarify why these people come to Him and never consider Synagogue. If you consider the whole New Testament, the most important question it answers is – Who belongs in God’s family? Jesus gives us the answer – EVERYBODY!